Tuesday 25 March 2014

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Facebook (FB) CEO Mark Zuckerberg Birthday is just around the corner on May 14.He will be 30.What do you buy a billionaire for his birthday? Should we suggest a new wardrobe? As this young tech business wizard is famously known for his limited wardrobe. Every day to work he wears the same grey t shirt because it saves time in the morning.
Mark Zuckerberg the creator of the social media giant ‘’Facebook’’ with 1 billion active user and youngest billionaire on planet or call him a hacker billionaire, an accidental billionaire or anything you like but Zuckerberg deserves the current status. He is in the list of richest man in the world. I picked up a lesson from his early years of struggle when he has nothing but a dream. Here are the secret to success of Mark Zuckerberg known as the youngest billionaire in the world.
1. Have a dream and think big
A lot of people think Mark Zuckerberg had an overnight fame and built Facebook with a snap of finger. Wrong! It didn’t happen in one night but several sleepless nights. It all began with a dream and turned in to reality due to his hard work and desire to sacrifice all for. Facebook was minor project but Zuckerberg’s dream wasn’t.
2. Start small, believe in yourself and follow your passion.
Self believe is very essential for successfully undertaking any venture and MR. Zuckerberg had  lot of it.You can never have a successful business by depending on others and thrusting responsibility on someone else therefore it is important to take charge. Never be ashamed to start a small business or from scratch because that is where the glory lies. Mark Zuckerberg was his childhood was a computer programmer and stuck to his passion. Everybody loves Mark Zuckerberg’s success story but few will give a though that he dropped out of college just to make sure his passion never dies.
3. Be ready for criticism
Be ready for criticism on the road to be top. Never let criticism hold you back instead use it as stepping stone to reach the peak. Like every successful entrepreneur; Mark Zuckerberg gotten his share of criticism.
4. Take Risk
Every successful entrepreneur takes risks. Mark Zuckerberg also had his share of risks by dropping out of college and building the social media giant Facebook, by standing face to face with Google and Facebook itself was a risky startup. He took risk. Entrepreneurship is all about risk taking. Without risk, the world will remain stagnant.
Zuckerberg success has nothing to do with luck.it is his passion to make his dream a reality. Today he is the youngest billionaire of the world. He deserves the current status because he only didn’t dream about it but planned and worked it out.

1 comment:

  1. i Love HIM! HE is the hottest CEO.........(sign) heart heart
